Wednesday, June 12, 2013

End of the year party - sign up form

I apologize to anyone who tried to sign up for a food or party item and couldn't. I didn't change the settings from view to edit. If you try again and it doesn't work, let me know. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused.
End of year party - sign up form

Week of June 3rd

End of the year party:
Each year, I hold an end of the year celebration where students showcase the work they’ve completed throughout the year. Students made invitations and hopefully, you've received them. If parents cannot attend, students can bring an aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc. If no one can attend on the child’s behalf, please let me know and we can make arrangements with a staff member here at school. Due to space limitations, we will not be able to accomodate siblings. 

It would be greatly appreciated if parents can volunteer to bring food or party items. Please view this google document to volunteer and sign up. If the google document isn't working, send me an email and I'll share the document with your child. 

Important Dates:
June 14th --> Summer Reading rain date.
Book Orders --> Due June 14thRecorder Concert --> June 17th, 9:00am - 9:45am in the gym.
Math Facts Test --> June 19th
States and Capitals Test --> June 21stEnd of the year party - Monday, June 24th from 8:30am - 9:15am in our classroom.
June 25th --> Last day of school

Scholastic Book Clubs:

The final book order forms were sent out to parents. However, the online ordering site doesn't have those flyers listed as the Feature Flyers. To view those flyers online, go up to the tool bar on the site and click flyer. This will allow you to access the flyers that were sent home. Your order doesn't have to be limited to the flyers I sent home as you can access any flyer. If you are ordering books, orders are do this Friday, the 14th.

Written by: Amy, Annie and Hallie
  1. On Monday, we finished our phases of the moon book and finished learning about the phases of the moon.
  2. On Tuesday we reviewed for our Sun, Moon and Earth check-in.
  3. On Thursday we took our test and finished the moon unit.
  4. We started our electricity unit and filled out a diagram of the light bulb since we are going to make light bulbs light up.
  5. We read an article about electricity and did a worksheet where we had to find 15 important words from the article.
  6. We ended the day with a video about electricity.

Written by: Tyler, Jack C, Tommy
  • On Monday and Tuesday, we learned about writing and we made some boxes to practice our volume skills. We also did some activities to help us to determine the volume of the boxes we made.
  • On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we began a mini-unit about measurement and converting measurements. Also, we focused on things like pounds and ounces, liters and mililiters, kilometers, pints, quarts and cups.

Written by: Sophie, Paris, Stacey
  • On Monday we read part one of a new Andrew Clements book. We read it all week long.
  • We are also answering questions that go with the book.
  • We’re working on a tracking project where we track an idea throughout the book.

Written by: Liam, Keith, Cassidy, Parsa
  • On Monday and Tuesday, we planned our three body paragraphs for our research project that we get to do.
  • On Thursday and Friday we got to type our 3 body paragraphs on a google doc for the project that we get to do.