Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The school year has officially begun!

     The school year has officially begun! It's been wonderful getting to know your children and I look forward to working with them this year. A good chunk of time has been spent learning about each other and setting up our routines. Some of the ways we have learned about each other is by sharing our summer momentos, participating in a student scavenger hunt and the brown bag activity. Students got to explore the classroom by completing a classroom scavenger hunt and then sharing what they found with other students. We have worked on setting up classroom routines such as snack time, classroom jobs, how to line up and using our M.O.O.S.E. binder. Together, we created classroom rules and expectations. These classroom rules will be the foundation of our classroom environment and will be revisited often throughout the year.      

     In order to be successful in their learning,  students will set goals throughout the year for their grade, their class and even for themselves. The current goal for 4th graders is to raise their hands and interrupt less. Students will monitor this on a "Blurt Alert" card that they'll receive each morning. Each time a student "blurts," they have to put a check on their "Blurt Alert" card. If they receive fine in a day, students will take their card home to show their parents and to have them sign it. The rewards for not filling up a blurt alert card include free choice time and extra recess.