Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week of October 15th

**This is our first blog entry written by the students with a little bit of help from me!**

Updates and Announcements
Written by: Cassidy, Jack C, Shane, Giana

  • On October 23rd, there will be a data test so remember to bring your vocabulary ring home to study.
  • The scholastic book orders come home today and you can order online by next week! If you order a book online, the classroom gets a free book.
  • The school Halloween Party is October 26th. Remember to bring toilet paper for the mummy wrap!!  

Written by: Derek, Kaitlyn, Annie, Tommy

  • On Monday we talked about revising our predictions.
  • On Tuesday we talked about readers make strong predictions when they know their characters.
  • On Thursday we talked about not reading so fast so we can notice the small details.
  • On Friday we learned about inferring. To infer means to use the schema or background knowledge with clues from the story. Text + Schema = Inference

Written by: Jack, Keith, Amy and Brenna
  • On Monday, we looked at the rubric to see how we’re going to be graded on our personal narrative and we made some changes to the rubric.

(This week, the class took a district wide writing assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to see where students persuasive writing abilities are and to monitor their growth over the year).

  • On Tuesday we watched a movie about school lunches while we took notes. After we did that, we wrote a summary of what the movie was mostly about.
  • On Wednesday we read passage two. We read an article about a school in Chicago where kids were not allowed to bring lunches from home. We wrote a summary of the article after that.
  • On Thursday we read about English researchers that were studying if school lunches were healthier.
  • On Friday we wrapped up the writing assessment by choosing a side and writing down many reasons why we chose that opinion.

Written by: Paris, Liam, Tyler, Hallie, Parsa
  • On Monday and Tuesday, we did a project called Take it for Granite in our earth materials notebook.
  • We took minerals called Hornblende, Feldspar, Quartz, Mica, and Calcite and tested how hard they were. We found the properties of all the minerals and rocks. Then we tried to figure out which minerals make up granite.
  • On Thursday we learned about the rock cycle and watched a brainpop video with Tim and Moby about it.
  • We read about sedimentary rocks and jotted down new facts we learned.

Written by: Sophie, Brien, Stacey, James
  • On Monday we took our data from our project and made line plots that show the two different groups.
  • On Tuesday we looked at mystery data. This is when we were given data and we have to guess what the line plots were about.
  • On Wednesday we made line plots about two woman basketball players named Yolanda and Mabika.
  • On Thursday we looked at the two line plots to see which player is a better basketball player.
  • We looked at different data sheets to review for the test.

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