Friday, October 26, 2012

Week of October 22nd

Updates and announcements:

  • The data test is corrected, I'll pass it back on Monday for you to review. Please sign and send back to school with your child.
  • The rocks and minerals test will be this Monday. Students need to study at least one time between now and Monday. Please have the students bring back all their science papers and their study log on Monday.
  • Thank you so much to the parents who submitted book orders, it's a great way for our class to earn books! I'll submit orders on October 29th, so feel free to order if you are interested.
  • I will be out of the classroom on Friday, November 2nd as I will be at a district wide professional development.
  • Have a safe and fun Halloween!
Our class got together with our buddy class (Mrs. Sharpe's class) to help them make geometry monsters. 

Written by: Tyler, Hallie, Paris, Shane, Parsa, Liam

  • We worked with partners to review for our data test.
  • We also worked on data on IXL (strands J6 and J7).
  • The data test was Tuesday.
  • We reviewed telling time then practiced time with partners.
  • We learned about elapsed time and practiced with elapsed time problems.

Written by: Brien, Cassidy, Sophie, James,
  • We reviewed rocks and minerals in science and we took notes on a book called Rocks and Minerals that we read.
  • We made a study guide together as a class.
  • We also made rock flashcards.
  • We finished taking notes on our rocks and minerals book.
  • We did rocks and minerals jeopardy to review.

Written by: Tommy, Annie, Jack C., Derek, Kaitlyn
  • We started to revise our stories and learned how to use the checklist.
  • We learned how to revise thought shots, dialogue, and sensory details.
  • We learned how to use the editing checklist and spent time editing our stories
  • We started to publish our stories today.

Written by: JackF, Amy, Keith, and Brenna
  • We reviewed what inferring is and we read the book Hurricane.
  • We reread the story Hurricane and did some inferring to see how we knew there was a storm without the book telling us.
  • We read Sammy and the Time Of Troubles, and we inferred in that too. We used the text and our schema to make inferences.
  • We talked about taking small details from the story to grow ideas about our character.
  • We talked about how to grow theories about characters in our books by looking at their actions and choices they make.

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