Monday, November 26, 2012

Week of 11th and 18th

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!!

Written By: Brien, Jack C, James, Stacey, Giana

  • On Tuesday, we learned about how our characters have motivations and struggles and how they deal with it.
  • We learned to use percise language in our stickies to describe our characters.
  • Today we learned that some authors repeat things that are small because they can be really important later in the story.
  • We talked again about the objects or ideas that repeat and how they could really mean something bigger. When we read A Bad Case of Stripes, we learned that it wasn't really about her eating lima beans, it was about her being herself and liking lima beans even if other people don't.
  • We wrapped up our theories unit and spied on ourselves as readers. We looked at the stickies that we made and sorted them to see which ones we're doing well and which ones we need to do more of and then we set new reading goals.

Written by: Tommy, Annie, Shane, Derek, and  Kaitlyn

  • We learned how to write a business letter and how it is formated.
  • We took our time and wrote our letter to a landmark or landform in the United States and requested information to use for our regions project.
  • We revised and edited our letter.
  • We typed our business letter and had a great time on the computers!!!
  • We started our new persuasive unit and came up with topics about school that we can write about.
  • We picked our topics and stated planning all the reasons to support our argument.
  • We planned out the different paragraphs for our essay.

Written by: Parsa, Liam, Paris, Hallie, Tyler

  • We worked on division problems with remainders in our math work books.
  • At the the end of the week we did a three day workshop with three stations.
  • During the workshop, we played Big Array/Small Array, Missing Factors and division fun with Mrs. Stygles.   
  • We practiced solving more division problems with remainders on Monday and Tuesday.
  • Mrs. Stygles gave us a grocery store flyer and we had to plan our Thanksgiving dinner using calculators.


Social Studies
Written by: Keith, Cassidy, Amy, JackF, Brenna

  • On Tuesday we learned about map scales. We practiced finding distances of places in the United States.
  • The next day we reviewed geography vocabulary and practiced things like map scale.
  • We did a map check in on everything we’ve learned.
  • On Friday, we had a surprise States and Capitals Test.
  • On Monday, we corrected the test to see what we need to study.
  • We learned what the different regions of the United States are and colored a map to show the different regions. We also made states and capitals flashcards.

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