Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week of Nov. 26th

Note from Mrs. Stygles:
Recently, when the students have drafted the blog entries, I spent time after revising and editing their work. Ultimately, I'd love to revise and edit less and for you to provide feedback to them about their written entries. My goal is for students to become careful writers and to clarify ideas so their message is informative, yet clear. As you read the blog, please let your child know where you may have been confused or where they explained things really well. Knowing that they have a real authentic audience will help to inspire them to be more thoughtful writers. I appreciate your support!

Written by: Jack F!, Tyler!, Brenna!

  • We learned about text features for example table of contents and glossary. It helped us understand the features more and anticipate what we were going to read about.   
  • Thursday, we continued practicing anticipating what we’ll read about. We read an article about Native Americans building skyscrapers.
  • On Friday, we talked about interesting ideas versus important ideas.

Social Studies
Written By:Amy, Paris, Tommy, Keith

  • We browsed the northeast regions book to find nonfiction features and we also picked our regions.
  • We found out our regions and read Chapter 1 in our region books and took notes. We tracked our thinking using sticky notes.
  • The class read chapter 2 in their region books and tracked our thinking differently. We tracked our thinking by separating our stickies into important stickies and interesting stickies.
  • We took notes on landforms and waterways with the rest of our regions group.

Written by: Derek, Brien, Kaitlyn, Shane, Liam
  • On Tuesday and Wednesday we learned partial quotients and we have a choice to do that strategy or the equations strategy.
  • We learned how to make multiple towers where you measure someone with a paper roll. We skip counted by one number and found the multiples of ten. This helped up practice the powers of ten rule.
  • The class did a workshop where half of the class did multiple towers and the other half worked on division problems with Mrs. Stygles.  

Written by: Giana, Annie, Hallie, Parsa
  • We wrote our persuasive essay this week.
  • We reviewed how to go from dot and jots to sentences.
  • We learned how to stretch out our dot and jots. For example: iPads would help us or we would benefit a lot if you purchased ipads for us since there are many great apps kids could use.  
  • We also learned how to make our leads sound really good.

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