Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week of March 11

I hope everyone enjoyed their snow day! Hopefully we'll have better luck as spring officially rolls in!

Classroom News: 

  • We will be having a fractions and decimals test on Friday, March 22. Students are encouraged to study and can use the links on the website to help. 
  • Once you have filled out the conference sheet, please send it in with your child. I'm hoping to send home the conference confirmation times by the end of the week. Please note that the night conferences are April 3rd, not April 10th.

Dates to know:

  • MCAS Long Composition - Monday - March 25th
  • Sports Day - Wednesday - March 27th
  • Good Friday - No School - Friday, March 29th
  • ELA MCAS - Monday and Tuesday - April 1st and 2nd
  • Day and Evening Conferences - Wednesday, April 3rd
  • Day Conferences - Wednesday, April 10th

Written by: Cassidy

  • We finished revising, editing and started publishing our expert project writing.
  • On Tuesday we planned our persuasive essay about your favorite season.
  • We drafted  our intro and closing paragraphs.
  • On Thursday we planned our expert project for Hanlon School and took some of it home for homework.
  • Lastly, on Friday we reviewed personal narratives and planned one to work.
Our trick to remembering the revising checklist

Science/Social Studies
Written by: Stacey

  • We reviewed an article about peoples names being changed at Ellis Island. Then we did a line up activity to guess how many immigrants went through Ellis Island.
  • We also watched a Ellis Island powerpoint video and learned what life was like once they arrived in America.

Written by: Hallie

  • On Monday we learned how to play a game called Fill Two. This game helped us practice adding decimals.
  • We worked on adding decimals using running logs from our math workbook.
  • On Thursday and Friday we were in a two day workshop. Students worked with Mrs. Stygles on creating running logs and finding numbers that equaled 10.5. Students got to play Decimal Compare and Fill Two. Students could also do IXL and challenges.

Written by:Keith, Brien, Shane

  • First, on Monday, we did the voyager open response and made a t-chart organizer for planning the open response.
  • We started our biography book for book clubs and we learned how to be prepared for a book club discussion.
  • We started a new reading practice called the photograph. It’s a poem about a boy watching her mom take out the photographs of her while she was younger.
  • We did our photograph open response and this was different because it had two parts so we had to write two paragraphs. We also started a new practice reading mcas called Ultimate Field Trip, which is about a trip to the U.S. Space Academy for kids and we did the multiple choice questions for that.
  • We did the Ultimate Field Trip open response. We also read the play Baker’s Neighbor and acted it out.

    Students acting out Baker's Neighbor


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