Monday, March 25, 2013

Week of March 18th

           Hopefully, we've had our last snow day of the year!

Dates to know:
  • Sports Day - Wednesday - March 27th
  • Good Friday - No School - Friday, March 29th
  • ELA MCAS - Monday and Tuesday - April 1st and 2nd
  • Day and Evening Conferences - Wednesday, April 3rd
  • Day Conferences - Wednesday, April 10th

Written by: Keith, Hallie,Shane, Kaitlyn and Liam
During this week we did lots of reading MCAS prep. Including:

  • Jane on her Own - about a flying cat who wants to escape from a farm
  • Ida B - about a girl who had to read out loud for her sick teacher
  • The Seed - about an emperor choosing a new emperor
  • Annie Smith Peck - about a female mountain climber
We did open responses and multiple choice questions mostly on our own but sometimes together in partners or as a class. We planned a lot of open responses as a whole class.


Written by: JACK.F , Cassidy, Stacey

  • We reviewed three types of prompts and how to plan them.
  • We began to type our persuasive essays on the computer.
  • We reviewed the things we need to do for the test on Monday.
  • We browsed through all of our writing in our portfolio to see how much we have improved as writers.

Our wall of Celebrity Writers!

Students browsed their writing portfolios to see how much their writing has improved over the year! It was great to compare their writing from September to today! Hopefully it boosted their confidence for the long comp test!

Science/Social Studies
Written by:Annie, Sophie, Brenna

  • On Monday and Wednesday, we finished If your Name was Changed at Ellis Island and answered the questions that went with it.
  • On Thursday and Friday, we went on an Ellis Island website and another website to learn about more about immigration and the different groups that came.

Math:Brien, TOMMY, Jack C, DEREK.
Written by:

  • We worked on decimal place value with tenths and hundredths. Students also added decimals on the mimeo.
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, we had a math review workshop. We reviewed fractions and decimals and got to use the mimio to review too.
  • On Friday we had a math test on decimals and fractions.

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