Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week of March 25th

Dates to know:
  • Sports Day - Wednesday - April 3rd
  • Day and Evening Conferences - Wednesday, April 3rd
  • Day Conferences - Wednesday, April 10th
  • Vacation - Week of April 15th

  • Students competed the MCAS long composition test. They were so thrilled to finally have it done. 
  • We took a break for the rest of the week to prepare for the MCAS reading test. 
  • The goal this week was to complete more than one passage a day to build their stamina for the test. 
    • Tuesday - Toys Go Out (Fiction) and Into the Volcano (biography)
    • Wednesday - Coaster  History (Non-fiction)
    • Thursday - Strongest of All (folktale), Fenway Park (Nonfiction) and The Lantern and the Fan (Folktale)
  • We began our addition and subtraction unit. On Monday, students constructed their own 1,000's book and labeled important landmark numbers. We also practiced reading larger numbers. 
  • Students had to use their place value knowledge to locate numbers in their 1,000's book. 
  • Students learned a new game called Changing Places. This is where they had to add and subtract multiples of 10's and 100's to locate more numbers in their 1,000's book. 
Social Studies:
  • We continued to explore the Ellis Island website.
  • We also explored another website that had a timeline of the different trends in immigration and the reasons behind it. 

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