Thursday, April 25, 2013

Week of April 8th

English Language Arts:
  • Students continued to read their biography books and meet with their book clubs. As they read, they tracked their idea and used that to launch their discussions. Here are some of the book club lessons that happened during the week:
    • how to disagree politely
    • supporting your thinking with evidence
    • how to build on ideas 
    • and how to search for more information from group members
  • Students worked together to determine the biggest life events, challenges and accomplishments from their person's life. 
  • They began making a timeline of that person's life using the Timeliner computer program.

  • Due to the snow days, we were behind in the curriculum so we doubled up on math this week. Here are a few lessons that we did:
    • Place value and rounding with larger numbers
    • Solving subtraction problems using creative strategies
    • Solving subtraction problems using the traditional algorithm
    • Understanding when to use addition and subtraction
  • Students completed their unit 5 math assessment on Friday.

Social Studies:
  • We had an immigration enrichment program from the Tsongas Industrial History Center. They taught us about the motivations immigrants had for leaving their country and what life was like for them here in America. They explored immigration artifacts and made an immigration quilt representing what they learned (pictures below)
  • Students finished planning their immigration scripts.
  • They used the rest of the week to draft their scripts on google docs. 




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