Monday, January 28, 2013

Book Review Unit

We will be learning how to write effective book reviews as a mini-unit in reading. I have asked students to find a book that they would like to read and write about. 

Here are the guidelines for picking a book:
1) it should be one that you've never read before.
2) it should be a fiction and a chapter book.
3) it should be within your reading level. It's very important that students are able to comprehend the book in order to write about it effectively. 

Determining reading levels can be tricky but I use Scholastic Book Wizard ( Not every book has a reading level unfortunately! I recommend that students take some time to use Scholastic Book Wizard and brainstorm a few choices they would like to read. They can search specific titles or search for books within a range of reading levels. I'll give them time tomorrow to see if it's in my library or the school library. If they'd prefer to take it out from the Westwood Public Library, that's fine too. The book they read can be used for their reading log and should be completed by Monday, February 4th. Happy reading!

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