Friday, January 18, 2013

Week of January 14th

4S Announcements:

  • Pajama Day - Wednesday, January 23rd
  • Unit 4 math test - Friday - January 25th. The test will include properties of shapes, perimeter, area, angles (acute, right, obtuse), lines (parallel, perpendicular, intersecting) and symmetry.  
  • States and Capitals Test - Friday - February, 1st. 

Social Studies
Written by: Stacey, liam, and Tommy

  • The first day of the week, we learned about how to present your poster and how make note cards for your presentations. Then we practiced presenting.
  • On Tuesday and Wednesday we presented our posters to the class.
  • The next day, we read an article on fossils  and we took notes on how they’re formed
  • The last day of this week, we watched a powerpoint about fossils. We also watched a movie about the history of fossils and how they’re formed.

Written by: Giana and Amy  Parsa
  • From  Monday to Thursday  we did our IRA. This is a reading assessment  that takes three to four days. We read a chapter book and answer questions as we go
  • On Friday, our class learned what a myth is by watching a Powerpoint. We also read The Weaving Contest. It explains how spiders came to be.

Written by: kaitlyn, Derek, JACK F, JACK C SOPHIE
  • First we learned how to write a conclusion paragraph and different ways to start them.

  • On Tuesday we finish all our paragraphs and started revising our stories.
  • We reviewed different transition words to start sentences off with and then we kept revising.
  • We reviewed how to vary sentence lengths and sentence starters.
  • Students worked more on revising and editing.

  • Monday, we started our math workshop for the week and we did some menu activities. The menu activities were IXL, math facts, Logopaths mazes, study vocabulary cards and challenges. In the teacher station, we did crazy cakes in our math workbooks. That’s where we had to take shapes apart to find smaller shapes inside.
  • The next day, the teacher station was the workpage, Is It Fair? We had to decide if shapers that were cut were equal pieces. Then we kept doing workshop activities.
  • We started a new workshop on area and had new activities to do. We had the same menu choices though. The teacher station was finding the area of rectangles.
  • We kept doing workshop and the teacher station was finding the area of polygons.
  • The teacher station today was about lines, points, rays, and line segments. We also reviewed perpendicular and parallel lines.

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