Friday, January 18, 2013

Week of January 7th

Social Studies
Written by: Tyler,Parsa

  • On Monday we learned how to mount our paragraphs on construction paper using the edges of the paper and rulers.
  • The rest of the week, we worked on putting our poster together. We finished publishing our paragraphs, finished our illustrations, mounted everything, glued everything on and decorated the poster.


Written by:Derek, Parissophie

  • On Monday we learned about text structure and we determined the structure of each article we read.
  • On Tuesday we learned how to take notes on different text structure. Each group did one article and taught the note taking to the class.  
  • On Wednesday we read the polar bear article while taking notes on it.
  • On Thursday we finished our polar bear check in and wrote a response on how polar bears survive. We had to use specific evidence.
  • On Friday we started our IRA’s. This is a assessment all fourth graders have to take. We read a chapter book and we stop at the stickies in the book to answer the questions.


Written by: Keith, Liam, Shane

  • On Monday, we worked more on our expert projects. We worked on stretching out our dot and jots. Also we worked on our paragraph two for our expert project.
  • Tuesday, we tried to start our sentences with catchy starters. Also we made our paragraph three for our expert projects. Mrs.Styles called some of us over to fix our paragraph two. There were some errors in our paragraphs.
  • We learned how to end our paragraphs with a catchy ending. Also we did paragraph four for our expert projects.
  • Today we learned the three parts of an intro paragraph. The three parts are: leads, background information or fun fact, and a thesis statement. Also we drafted our intro paragraph and some people finished up their paragraph four.

Written by: Hallie, Brien, Stacey

  • On Monday, we made right angles in our math workbooks. Later we started to learn about other types of angles. We also figured out the number of degrees in some angles from our Power Polygons.
  • Then on Tuesday and Wednesday, we continued learning about angles and also started a two day math workshop. We made different types of angles with Mrs. Stygles and did math workbook pages to help us with angles.
  • On Thursday, we learned about symmetry and we also made symmetrical shapes.  Then we had a small conversation on area and how to find the area of our designs.
  • The next day, we continued finding the area of different shapes using triangle units. We had to compare the area of different shapes too.

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