Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week of May 6th

Important Dates:

  • May 15th and 16th - Math MCAS
  • May 21st - Class Match Day 
  • May 22nd - Field Day (rain date is June 5th)
  • May 24th - Field Trip to the Museum of Science in Boston
  • Band Concert - June 3rd from 7:00 - 8:00pm                                                                        (students need to arrive to the HS Auditorium at 6:15pm)
  • Recorder Concert - June 17th - 9:00 - 9:45am

Written by: Cassidy,Amy, Tyler and Jack C.

  • On Monday, we wrote alliteration poems about a topic of our choice. Alliteration is when you have the same sounds at the beginning of a word.
  • On Tuesday, we wrote metaphors. This is when you compare things without using like or as.
  • On Thursday, we learned how to write our own shape poems. Shape poems are poems but shaped into a figure.
  • On Friday, we wrote a 6-room image point about a special place to us. We described the sounds we hear, the light we see and questions we have for this place.

Written by: Keith, Brien, Tommy, Brenna

  • On Monday, we started division with bigger numbers, reviewed partial quotients, reviewed how to solve division with an array and practiced with open responses.
  • On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we did a math workshop. In this math workshop we did solving division problems, solving multiple towers problems and played factor bingo.
  • On Friday, we solved multiplication problems and division problems. 
  • We reviewed many algebra problems for the MCAS test next week.

Social Studies
Written by: Hallie & Stacey
  • This week we focused on the three branches of government.
  • On Monday we went on computer program called Ben’s Guide to learn in great detail about the Legislative Branch.
  • The next day we used Ben’s Guide to learn about the Judicial Branch, which is the court system.
  • On Thursday, we went to the fifth grade research share. They shared their research project, which is the Paul Hanlon School tradition.
  • At the end of the week we reviewed the three branches of government. Also, the groups who didn’t share their Washington D.C posters presented today..

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