Monday, May 20, 2013

Week of May 13th

Important Dates:
  • May 21st - Class Match Day - 
    • We chose to wear green tops tomorrow!
  • May 22nd - Field Day (rain date is June 5th)
  • May 24th - Field Trip to the Museum of Science in Boston
  • Band Concert - June 3rd from 7:00 - 8:00pm                                                                        (students need to arrive to the HS Auditorium at 6:15pm)
  • Recorder Concert - June 17th - 9:00 - 9:45am

Social Studies.Science
Written by: Keith, Brien
  • We've been using these books to take
    notes and to expand our knowledge
    before jumping into harder texts. 
    On Monday, we finished learning about the three goverment branches which are Judicial, Legislative and Executive.
  • On Tuesday, we brainstormed questions about the moon and started our moon unit. Also, with our desk groups, we made a poem about the moon.
  • On Thursday, we read and took notes about our solar system, which has 8 planets.
  • On Friday, we read and took notes about the sun. We learned how hot the sun is and what makes up the sun.

Written by: Paris, Liam and Hallie
  • We are starting the Andrew Clements unit. Our class explored a website about Andrew Clements.
  • We also read chapter one of Frindle.
  • On Thursday, we talked about ideas to track when we read fiction. We read a little bit more from Frindle.
  • On Friday, we read and tracked more of Frindle. We also met in book clubs to share our thinking.

Written by: Tyler, Jack C.,
Go 4S!
  • On Monday, we played math jeopardy, which helped us review for the MCAS. Also, we did a short answer review and a open response question.
  • On Tuesday, we played jeopardy again for a long time. Then we did a pattern/relationship/algebra packet for math. Lastly, we did a scale open response question
  • On Wednesday, we did the math MCAS session one test until Art.
  • On Thursday, we did another session of MCAS.

Written by: Stacey, TOMMY!!!
  • On Monday we wrote a poem about a color. We had to think about what our color represented and how it makes us feel.
  • The next day, we learned how to revise our word choice.
  • On the last day of the week, we revised our poetry and learned about line breaks and stanzas.

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