Friday, May 31, 2013

Week of May 20th

End of the year party:
Each year, I hold an end of the year celebration where students showcase the work they’ve completed throughout the year. If parents cannot attend, students can bring an aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc. If no one can attend on the child’s behalf, please let me know and we can make arrangements with a staff member here at school. Due to space limitations, we will not be able to accomodate siblings.

Important Dates:
Band Concert --> June 3rd, 7:00-8:00 (students should arrive to the H.S. at 6:15pm)
June 5th --> Early release day
June 7th --> Summer Reading Day (bring a good book and a beach towel)
June 14th --> Summer Reading rain date.
Recorder Concert --> June 17th, 9:00am - 9:45am in the gym.
End of the year party - Monday, June 24th from 8:30am - 9:15am in our classroom.
June 25th --> Last day of school

  • This week, students took the district performance assessment, which consists of four parts. On Monday, they watched a video about healthy lunch options in New York City Public Schools. They took notes and wrote a summary of the video.
  • They read an article about a school that banned students from bringing lunch from home. They took notes on the article and summarized it.
  • On Thursday, they read an article about how school lunches may not be the best choice. They took notes and summarized it that article as well

  • On Tuesday and Wednesday, students created their poetry books and reflected on their poetry writing. 
  • On Thursday, students wrote the essay for the performance assessment. They had to decide whether students should bring their lunch from home or if they should buy school lunch. They had to include evidence from the sources and organize their writing.
  • We continued to solve word problems where students had to determine if it's a division or multiplication problem.
  • They took their district performance math test on Tuesday. 
  • Students continued solving multiplication and division problems two ways, one of them being a visual model like an array.

  • We read a book about the earth and its position in space. We also took notes on this book and summarized what they learned. 
  • On Tuesday and Thursday, students read Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System. They answered questions as they read the book a second time. ''

Field Day Photos:










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