Friday, May 31, 2013

Week of May 28th

End of the year party:
Each year, I hold an end of the year celebration where students showcase the work they’ve completed throughout the year. If parents cannot attend, students can bring an aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc. If no one can attend on the child’s behalf, please let me know and we can make arrangements with a staff member here at school. Due to space limitations, we will not be able to accomodate siblings.

Important Dates:
Band Concert --> June 3rd, 7:00-8:00 (students should arrive to the H.S. at 6:15pm)
June 5th --> Early release day
June 7th --> Summer Reading Day (bring a good book and a beach towel)
June 14th --> Summer Reading rain date.
Recorder Concert --> June 17th, 9:00am - 9:45am in the gym.
End of the year party - Monday, June 24th from 8:30am - 9:15am in our classroom.
June 25th --> Last day of school

Written by: Keith, Derek and Tommy

  • On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we read the last half of Frindle and had book club conversations with our book club groups. We also tracked our thinking in our reading response journal.
  • On Friday, we finished tracking our thinking for Frindle and shared with the class what we learned from the book. It had a good twist ending.

Written By: Paris, Hallie,Amy
  • On Tuesday and Wednesday we published our poetry books and did a reflection.
  • On Thursday, we chose topics for our research reports. Later that day we took out books and started researching our topics with our books.
  • On Friday we researched our topics with the databases from the Hanlon Library, and some people used books.

Written By: Jack C and Cassidy
  • On,Tuesday, the class read Gail Gibbon’s book about the moon, which taught us about the moon. Also, we reviewed the moons orbit.
  • On  Wednesday and Thursday we worked on the phases of the moon, which we did a demonstration of the phases. Also we read two books and started our own phases of the moon book.
  • Lastly, we watched a video of the moon and we learned that the moon looks lit because of the sun lights reflection and it looks different because of how it orbits around the earth.

Written By: Stacey liam
  • On Tuesday we reviewed multiplication and division and how to solve it two ways.
  • The next day we took our multiplication and division assessment.
  • Then on Thursday, we learned what volume is and we made boxes using length, width, and height.
  • On Friday, we did math workshop. Also we practiced determining the height of 
    boxes when we knew the overall volume and length and width.

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